南昌翻译公司 南昌翻译公司 南昌翻译公司




Case history: 

The patient was admitted to our hospital due to cough for more than 2 months combined with a space occupying lesion in lung for three days on May 09, 2013. Chest CT scan (No. ZS13108461) indicated malignant tumors in superior lobe of left lung, metastasis in mediastinal lymph node and pulmonary hilums, as well as highly suspected metastasis in both lungs. Localized obstructive atelectasis was found in superior lobe of left lung. Hydrops were observed in left pleura. Further bronchoscopic biopsy was performed, and pathology indicated bronchial wall tissue was examined under the microscope (the wall of left principal bronchus and lamina propria of superior lobe). Poorly differentiated, heterotypic cells were seen in lamina propria of bronchial wall. On this basis, pulmonary malignant tumor was diagnosed. Recently, the patient complained of aggravated acratia and a decline of right hand strength. Further, regulation of fine movements was unsatisfactory. No headache, nausea or vomiting was reported by the patient. Physical examination demonstrated the patient showed satisfactory consciousness and mental status. No abnormality was identified in the heart and lungs per auscultation. No edema was found in both lower extremities. Bilateral muscle strength was at grade IV, and muscle strength of both lower extremities was at grade V. Muscular tension was normal. After admission, multiple metastatic malignant tumors were found in the brain using non-contrast MRI scan, contrast enhanced MRI scan and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). Multiple nodular, slightly long T1 and T2 signal shadows were seen in the brain. Part of signals was complex. Irregular edema was found in the adjacent areas. Left lateral ventricles were compressed. Median line of brain was centered. Brain sulcus and fissure were satisfactory. 



