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反腐败没有死角 there’s no blind spot in the anti-corruption drive

反腐败没有死角 there’s no blind spot in the anti-corruption drive

傅莹强调,“这正说明反腐败没有死角,包括全国人大和各级人大,只要有人大代表涉嫌违纪违法都应该面对纪律的审查或者法律的审判。” “[The case] shows that there’s no blind spot in the anti-corruption drive,” Fu Ying, the NPC spokeswoman told reporters. “Lawmakers at all levels will be subjected to punishment if they violate the law or discipline.”
财政赤字 fiscal deficit
赤字率 the deficit ratio
提高赤字率 raising the deficit ratio
目前半岛局势剑拔弩张,充满了火药味 The confrontation in the Korean Peninsula is tense and full of the smell of ‘gunpowder’
At the moment there is some sabre-rattling in the Korean peninsula and the situation is a bit explosive.
不会坐视中方的安全利益受到无端损害 China will not watch its own security interests being damaged for no reason

损人而且不利己 It [Washington] is just harming others without benefiting itself

如果有人想把南海搅浑,把亚洲搞乱,中国不会答应,本地区绝大多数国家也不会允许。 “China will not allow – nor would most countries in the region – allow anyone to muddle the South China Sea and cause chaos in Asia,”

军事化这顶帽子扣不到中国头上,有更合适的国家可以戴。 “China cannot be accused of militarisation. This label suits other countries better,”
承担更多的国际安全义务 take up more international security obligations
坚决打击 to “strike firmly” against (unrest)
堵塞铁路、破坏生产、串联、挑事 blocking state railway lines, disrupting production activities, organising joint actions and picking quarrels
广大职工、广大市民不要信谣传谣,不要传播消极负面信息 Workers and residents were cautioned against spreading rumours or “negative information”
国家政策一直在大力支持新能源发展。今后的态势会越来越好。 the industry will continue to grow with upward momentum as the government is also adamant in supporting it with policy incentives



