“翻唱to cover”
Beyonce Knowles could have a lawsuit on her hands relating to a coverversion of a Des'ree track.
The British singer claims that Beyonce did not have her full permission to record a cover of her track 'I'm Kissing You'. The song appeared on Beyonce's last album B'Day, under the title 'Still In Love (I'm Kissing You)'.
报道说,碧昂丝可能会因翻唱黛丝瑞名曲“I''m kissing you”而吃上官司。黛丝瑞声称,碧昂丝在未得到她本人完全同意的前提下,擅自翻唱了她为电影《罗密欧与茱丽叶》所演唱的抒情名曲“I'm kissing you”。碧昂丝的翻唱曲目“Still in love”目前被收录在她的上张专辑“B'Day”里面。
由报道可知,“cover (version/song)”指的就是“翻唱(版/曲目)”。“翻唱××的歌”可以借用介词“from”或“of”,如“a cover (version) of /from Secret Garden's You raise me up”。
值得一提的是,如果某乐队因专门模仿某个经典乐队而得名,我们称它为“a tribute band”(翻唱乐队/专门模仿已经经典乐队的乐队)。