了解英文的worth / worthy 的语言操作的哲学关系,特引圣经的英文经文
He who loves father or mother above Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter above Me is not worthy of Me.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
(这里讲的是对大爱,小爱的价值的判断,不是指神来跟人对父母儿女的爱的顺序或多寡上作比较。 因为对神的爱是在人被救赎之路上的大事。 神对人的无限的爱着眼就是好使人回到永恒的父里面。 所以人要配称承受神的爱, 才算在神的里面。)
The lord is the One most worthy of our love, and we must be worthy of Him.
He that loves his mistress above his wife is not worthy of his wife.
Because his wife is the one most worthy of his love, and he must be worthy of her that he should not have a mistress.
我引圣经的经文和经文的解释文来看看worth / worthy 这两个字在英文里的语言操作,也就是它们使用的哲学方法。
Our love for the Lord must be absolute. We should love nothing above Him. He is the One most worthy of our love, and we must be worthy of Him.
(下面从反面讲,从原来讲人的爱的对象所配受的价值,以神为爱的对象所配受的价值为极致;转为: 神最有资格配受或领受人爱祂,因此,人 )