- Cartridge valve 插装阀
- Check valve 单向阀
- De-energizing of solenoid 电磁铁释放
- Double throttle check valve 双单向节流阀
- Flow valve 流量阀
- Manifold block 集成块
- Pilot operated check valve 液控单向阀
- Pilot valve 先导阀
- Position feedback 位置反馈
- Pressure relief valve 压力溢流阀
- Progressive flow 渐增流量
- Proportional valve 比例阀
- Rectifier plate 节流板
- Rotary knob 旋钮
- Sandwich plate valve 叠加阀
- Servo valve 伺服阀
- Solenoid valve 电磁阀
- Sub-plate mount 板式安装
- Throttle valve 节流阀
- Phosphate ester (HFD-R) 磷酸甘油酯
- Water-glycol (HFC) 水-乙二醇
- Emulsion 乳化液
- Inhibitor缓蚀剂
- Synthetic lubricating oil 合成油
- Abrasion 摩擦
- Argon 氩气
- Butt welding 对接焊
- Contamination 污染
- Creep爬行
- Dipping process 槽式酸洗
- Extension (活塞杆)缩回
- Failure 失效
- Flushing 冲洗
- Grout 灌浆
- Inert gas welding 惰性气体焊
- Jog 点动
- Malfunction 误动作
- Nitric acid 柠檬酸
- Passivity 钝化
- Pickling 酸洗
- Re-circulation 循环
- Retract(活塞杆)伸出
- Socket welding 套管焊
- Bite type fittings 卡套式管接头
- Tube to tube fittings 接管接头
- union 直通接管接头
- union elbow 直角管接头
- union tee 三通管接头
- union cross 四通管接头
- Mal stud fittings 端直通管接头
- Bulkhead fittings 长直通管接头
- Weld fittings 焊接式管接头
- Female connector fittings 接头螺母
- Reducers extenders 变径管接头
- Banjo fittings 铰接式管接头
- Adjustable fittings/swivel nut 旋转接头
- Coil impedance 线圈阻抗
- DDV-direct drive valve 直动式伺服阀
- Dither 颤振电流
- Dynamic response 动态频响
- Flow saturation 流量饱和
- Frequency response 频率响应
- Hysterics 滞环
- Lap 滞后
- Linearity 线形度
- NFPA-National Fluid Power Association 美国流体控制学会
- Nozzle flapper valve 喷嘴挡板阀
- Null bias 零偏
- Null shift 零飘
- Null 零位
- Phase lag 相位滞后
- Pressure gain 压力增益
- Servo-jet pilot valve 射流管阀
- Slope 曲线斜坡
- Symmetry 对称性
- Threshold 灵敏度